Approximately 40-50 produce import industry representatives participated in a recent roundtable discussion which was attended by top level executives from USDA-APHIS and CBP. The meeting was coordinated by TIPA and hosted at the Tierra del Sol conference room located in Pharr, Texas.
Representatives from USDA-APHIS and CBP were numerous and included Ms. Rebecca Bech, Associate Deputy Administrator for APHIS and Mr. Kevin Harriger, Director of Agricultural Programs for CBP. Both are based in Washington DC and spent time touring Texas ports of entry to gain a deeper understanding of the import industry’s needs.
The primary issues which were raised during the discussion centered around providing more service coverage, particularly during busy periods of the year. Attendees were in agreement that APHIS needed more hours of identification coverage at the ports and at the identification lab in Washington DC, especially on weekends and holidays. There was also consensus that officials at the local ports needed more authority to make identifications and provide a final disposition on the load, either to reject or accept the load and not have to wait for inter-agency decisions.
One of the immediate action items to come out of the roundtable was APHIS would begin providing generic insect finding reports every two weeks that were to be shared with industry as well as APHIS International Services in Mexico City. The intention was to push that information back to the growers in Mexico who may be experiencing outbreaks of certain insects.