April 8, 2022
The Honorable Governor Abbott
PO Box 308
Austin, TX 78767
RE: Seeking Relief or Process Change to Texas Border Truck Inspection Enforcement Action
Dear Governor Abbott,
On behalf of the Texas International Produce Association (TIPA), and $9 billion dollars and more than 1.28 billion pounds of fresh produce that cross from Mexico into Texas annually, we implore you to modify the deployment of this enforcement action in light of the dramatic impacts it is having on the movement of trade.
Last night, commercial trucks crossing the Pharr International Bridges were in a miles long line that took until nearly 2am this morning to clear the bridge. Today, the line is at a stand-still as trucks are crawling out of the import lot. Many carriers and brokers are reporting hours of non-movement.
Border security is an important element of this region, but so is the trade that keeps millions of Texans employed. According to a study from Texas A&M, fresh produce arriving from Mexico not only employs nearly 8,000 Texans but is also responsible for $850M in economic impact to the state. Further, our industry is in the midst of the ‘Easter Pull’ in which grocery stores are ordering products for the holiday promotion. The execution of this order has wreaked havoc up and down our supply chain and is likely to leave state store shelves with limited fresh produce supplies.
Warehouses have staff sitting idle, with no trucks to unload. Buyers in other parts of the country cannot understand why their product is not available. US trucking companies are losing money as they sit around for days with no loads to haul. I have even heard from a member that a trucking company is refusing to send trucks south of San Antonio out of concern there will be no cargo available. This is destroying our business and the reputation of Texas. I foresee companies making plans to move their business to New Mexico and Arizona.
TIPA urges your office to modify this action. We implore you to work with the Department of Homeland Security on a more effective process which meets the country’s need for security while balancing our dependency on efficient trade.
Dante L Galeazzi
Texas International Produce Association
Letter sent out to Gov. Abbot concerning Texas Border Truck Inspections by DPS can be downloaded here.